Friday, October 16, 2009

Political Correctness Memories From the Bahamas

A recently from a reader of my articles have offended with my use of the words "foreign languages". She said I should just "different languages". According to the reader that is more "politically correct".

Hmm ...

Random Thoughts on Political Correctness from my childhood

This reminds me of something I witnessed as a child. You see, I grew up in the Bahamas.

Well, if you do not know, is in the Bahamas a very small country close to Florida. Bahamiansare mostly "black". There are a few "white" Bahamians, and I'm one of them.

But, I am "white"?

On birth certificates in the past has been mixed with the family of my "labels". You see, years ago, only pure blood of British citizens have "white checked" on her birth certificate.

And my family is from one of the first settlers in the Bahamas ... who knows it "" but does not happen in England.

In my early years I never noticed any racial prejudice amongthe locals. But when I was a teenager, an important event happened in my eyes.

A change in the definition of politeness

The movie "Roots" by Alex Hailey hit TV. I noticed a change in the "black" around me.

I have not always the term "black" ...

When I was younger everything around me, the word "color". This was polite. This is the word that is used all of them.

But just after the movie Roots came on television color "was offensive.

There werea time of confusion. Both "colored" and "black" is used have been. It was hard to follow, would be called what. Let's face it. Most people around me, "blacks".

Why this change? What had happened?

Well, there was a lot of coverage in the press about the "injustice".

What injustice? Nobody told me anything.

By the way, this movement actually not with the change in the use of "black" color instead of "stop".

It went even further. and lead, "Black"more prejudice against the "Whites" local "white" or foreigners alike.

While such "white" waiting in a check line for all of the "Black to be" first served.

It all started with the movie Roots? I do not know. However, that the events did not happen in that order.

During this time of confusion, I turned to the local history pounds. I asked questions. And I found out that one of my relatives was a slave. No one had mentioned it already.

You see ...

TheBahamas never large plantations with large numbers of slaves. Most plants and shrubs you see now there are growing because boat loads of soil were brought in to their conservation.

And most of them from the slaves on the islands of house slaves. And there were "too white" slaves.

Life for the first settlers in the Bahamas was tough. Very hard. For all. There was no ground to grow up at all. Bahamians have a slightly different story than the slave of other areas with soil andPlantations.

As this could lead to media coverage of such confusion over what is now considered polite or not?

The American movement with its reporting made in the media "black" the politically correct word to use on our islands.

Where the accuracy is

OK ...

Is "Black" is the right word to use?

Several of my "black" friends were such by light skin color, that I was darker than she, after a summer in the sun ... But then my family was not always as"white" either.

Is there a difference?

Well, the pragmatic side of me said something.

Look at the palms.

"Black" people have a darker color below the lines in his hands. And "white" people do not.

I personally do not believe that "black" correctly. There are simply involved in too many colors.

"Colorful" is much more accurate.

And "white"? Many different colors are also available.

Do some cultures and languages have several ways todescribe differences in skin color. And some cultures do not.

I left the Bahamas and American television a few years after Roots came out and did not come to witness the American Revolution, the political correctness.

And I'm glad that I did not. There are too many examples of this went so far as it is ridiculous, in other cultures. And it's nice to see both points of view.

Communicate with Clarity For Everyone

By the way ...

The term "other language" isnot very useful for me. It is not exactly convey the meaning I want to convey.

A large part of my readers are non-native English speakers ... with very basic knowledge of English. The word "other" will lead to confusion.
What else?
How is it different?
In relation to what?

Sure, "other language" used in some environments. But until it actually goes global, and everyone knows what it means, I will continue to use "language". More peopleunderstand.

Actually I like the concepts of "mother tongue" and "non-native". That is very clear. Accurate. But it is embarrassing. You can not use it to replace "foreign" all the time.

Adjust your message to the market you are targeting

The Internet marketer, Frank Kern, says one of his videos, the Internet providers must remember that the people who spend their time online sending those cute e-mails with death threats if you do not send them to sellon a dozen other people. These people represent the core of a buyer's market for most North American Internet service provider.

My train of thought in this direction ... if you do marketing for a country with various definitions of political correctness, you should sell your message to them impregnated. The definitions of political correctness is part of their cultural profile. It is an additional cultural civility.

But if you read this, you have eitheran international business developer or a marketing professional. Yes, you already know. Right?

Beyond Personal Musings

As a cross-cultural marketer with an outside view, increases the political correctness of the barrier for a good cross-cultural communication. It creates a challenge for good intercultural communication.

Because ...

For most, political correctness is simply a group definition of courtesy. Sometimes it's just a euphemism.

This languageTurning loses its accuracy. It is only relevant for the group concerned, and the people who hold to this group.

And if you saw a personal insult to my points of views, I have some good advice for you. Go read this book:

Wisdom of the four agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

It is to be read very quickly. I must confess, I read it in a bookstore and not bought. I regret that. It is a good gift for people who are easily offended.

Thanks To : Instant Credit Card culinary art school Wireless Home Security System

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